Broken Buddha Meditation

How Can Meditation Benefit Me?

If you are like most of us, you've wondered how does the world work and how do you fit in it? Those who have experienced the process of meditation have found that it tends to lead you to a better sense of self-awareness and empowerment. 


Meditation is a system of spiritual and energetic practices that if practically utilized will guide you in achieving balance, alignment, and fulfillment in your life pursuits. 









Broken Buddha


The essential concept behind "Broken Buddha" is that we as humans can heal, grow, and transform ourselves from our life experiences. This journey can be successfully navigated even from the places that may have been "broken" or become damaged. 


This mindfully based meditation system was created by Prana Life Coaching™ to represent individual phases of life that require different spiritual and energetic needs. The concept is incorporated into four meditation modalities that infuse the mind, body, and spirit.


Through energetic alignment & mindful restructuring, we develop meditative techniques designed to overcome your F.E.A.R.  (False Evidence Appearing Real). 

Healer Meditation

Healer heart

Prana's first modality concentrates on healing wounds through meditation.  Wounds typically are accumulated through life experiences that create blockages. These obstructions create F.E.A.R that we seek to shift, release, and leave behind.



Warrior Meditation


After healing wounds and gathering up strength from moving forward, the second modality becomes key in refining your path to fulfillment. By concentrating on words and affirmations of power, you proceed to the next steps of life. Just as a warrior would, we now prepare for the battles of the mind, body, & spirit that come with daily living.


Avatar Meditation

Man's silhouette sitting in lotus meditation pose. Astral travel meditation

Following the achievement of Warrior meditation, where strength and refining your function of daily life has occurred, it becomes time to create an avatar of yourself.


We begin a powerful process in which you work on creating your avatar, a representation of your energetic and spiritual self as you meditate.  This avatar becomes a central manifestation of your intent and energy as you delve deeper into your personal enlightenment.

Sage Meditation

Mystical magic background with stars, galaxy, Universe in pink blue colors

The final modality is the most powerful. This process combines the physical and energetic worlds to allow you the freedom to connect spiritually in your everyday life.


This last stage is used to strengthen energetic bonds and cultivate your potential. At this final stage you have attained a level of empowerment and alignment that has evolved far beyond your initial limitations.  


Align With Your Potential




Whichever modality you choose for wherever you are currently in life, it will unlock and reveal your inner self.


Which modality works best for you? 

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